Hitachi AirHome-400 Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-DJ18PHAE / RAC-DJ18PHAEDetects when you're on your way homeRated 5.00 out of 5£514.00Add to cart
Hitachi AirHome-400 Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-DJ25PHAE / RAC-DJ25PHAEDetects when you're on your way homeRated 5.00 out of 5£579.00Add to cart
Hitachi AirHome-400 Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-DJ35PHAE / RAC-DJ35PHAEDetects when you're on your way homeRated 5.00 out of 5£655.00Read more
Hitachi AirHome-400 Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-DJ50PHAE / RAC-DJ50PHAEDetects when you're on your way homeRated 5.00 out of 5£863.00Read more
Hitachi Shirokuma Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-25RXE / RAC-25WXE2.5kW/9000Btu, Inverter + Motion DetectionRated 5.00 out of 5£899.00Read more
Hitachi Shirokuma Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-35RXE / RAC-35WXE3.5kW/12000Btu, Inverter + Motion DetectionRated 5.00 out of 5£1,039.00Read more
Hitachi Shirokuma Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-50RXE / RAC-50WXE5.0kW/18000Btu, Inverter + Motion Detection Rated 5.00 out of 5£1,384.00Read more
Hitachi S-Premium Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-25PSES / RAC-25WSESuper Premium Inverter, 2.5kW/9000Btu + WiFiRated 5.00 out of 5£1,025.00Read more
Hitachi S-Premium Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-35PSES / RAC-35WSESuper Premium Inverter, 3.5kW/12000Btu + WiFiRated 5.00 out of 5Call for priceRead more
Hitachi S-Premium Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-50PSES / RAC-50WSESuper Premium Inverter, 5.0kW/18000Btu + WiFiRated 5.00 out of 5£1,594.00Add to cart
Hitachi S-Premium Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-25PSEW / RAC-25WSESuper Premium Inverter, 2.5kW/9000Btu + WiFiRated 5.00 out of 5£1,025.00Add to cart
Hitachi S-Premium Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-35PSEW / RAC-35WSESuper Premium Inverter, 3.5kW/12000Btu + WiFiRated 5.00 out of 5£1,144.00Add to cart
Hitachi S-Premium Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-50PSEW / RAC-50WSESuper Premium Inverter, 5.0kW/18000Btu + WiFiRated 5.00 out of 5£1,594.00Add to cart
Hitachi Office Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-50PPD / RAC-50NPDLight Commercial 5.0kW, + Motion DetectionRated 5.00 out of 5£1,175.00Add to cart
Hitachi Office Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-60PPD / RAC-60NPDLight Commercial 6.0kW, + Motion DetectionRated 5.00 out of 5£1,279.00Read more
Hitachi Office Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RAK-70PPD / RAC-60NPDLight Commercial 7.0kW, Motion Detection SensorRated 5.00 out of 5£1,647.00Read more
Hitachi Utopia Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RPK-3.0FSRM / RAS-3HVRC2Install Labour From £485, 7.1kW/24000BtuRated 5.00 out of 5£1,866.00Read more
Hitachi Utopia Wall Mounted Air Conditioning RPK-4.0FSRM / RAS-4HVRC2EInstall Labour From £600, 10.0kW/36000BtuRated 5.00 out of 5£2,503.00Read more